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What is a Root Canal? Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Procedure

What is a root canal? We can tell you all about it. Simply put, a root canal is performed…

Preventive Dentistry - Types, Benefits, and Practices

It’s safe to say that we would all like to prevent issues from arising. In terms of…

Understanding Malocclusion: Definition, Types, and Symptoms

Malocclusion, also known as a misaligned bite, is a dental problem faced by many. When…

Itchy Gums: Causes, Symptoms, and Prevention

Feeling itchy in your mouth? Tingly or itchy gums can cause a lot of discomfort and can…

Understanding Tooth Erosion: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Do your teeth feel weak or appear worn down? If so, you may be suffering from dental…

Exploring Tooth Abscess: Stages, Symptoms, and Treatments

The presence of an abscess tooth indicates the presence of an infection. It’s a sign that…

Managing Dental Care for Patients with Special Needs

Dental care is important for everyone’s health and well-being. Yet, some individuals may…

The Role of Oral Health in Maintaining a Strong Immune System

Our immune systems are one thing that we should not take for granted. Our immune system…

Understanding Different Types of Tooth Pain and Their Causes

As many of us know, tooth pain can make accomplishing daily activities very challenging.…

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